Wednesday, April 17, 2013

America Turns Left On Social Issues, But Not On Government. By David Lightman.

America turns left on social issues, but not on government. By David Lightman. McClatchy Newspapers, April 15, 2013.

The Iron Wall (We and the Arabs). By Vladimir Jabotinsky

The Iron Wall (We and the Arabs). By Vladimir Jabotinsky. The Jewish Herald (South Africa), November 26, 1937. Originally published in Russian in Rassvyet, November 4, 1923. Also find it here and here.

Can Two Walk Together? A Drama. By A. B. Yehoshua. Translation by Dr. David Janner-Klausner. Adapted for stage by Amy Rosenthal. Jewish Quarterly, No. 221 (Spring 2012). Also find it here.

London, 1934 — two of the great Zionist leaders, Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky — meet to discuss the character of the future Jewish State.

Media Protecting Muslims? Limbaugh’s Boston Bombing Reaction. By Cenk Uygur.

Media Protecting Muslims? Limbaugh’s Boston Bombing Reaction. By Cenk Uygur. Video. The Young Turks, April 17, 2013. YouTube.

The Left Politicizes the Boston Bombing. By Rush Limbaugh., April 16, 2013. Audio at Daily Rushbo.

Boston Massacres: 1770 and 2013.

Boston Massacre 1770: Paul Revere’s Engraving.

Boston Massacre 1770: Henry Pelham’s Engraving.

Boston Massacre 2013: David L. Ryan’s Photo.

Boston Massacre 2013: John Tlumacki’s Photo.


The Futility of Terrorism. By Max Boot.

The Futility of Terrorism. By Max Boot. Wall Street Journal, April 16, 2013.