Missing Mahmoud. By Reza Aslan. Foreign Policy, June 12, 2013.
broke that clerical precedent when he trounced his opponent, Ali Akbar
Rafsanjani, by painting him as a wealthy, corrupt, out-of-touch mullah with no
appreciation for the common man's concerns. In contrast to the fantastically
wealthy Rafsanjani, whose speeches were peppered with Arabic words and Quranic
recitations, Ahmadinejad dressed simply, spoke colloquial Persian, and clothed
himself in a provincial religiosity deliberately stripped of clerical learning.
Do We Have Ahmadinejad All Wrong? By Reza Aslan. The Atlantic, January 13, 2011.
Reading Ahmadinejad via Wikileaks: A Freedom Lover or a Two-Bit Dictator? By Omid Memarian. The Huffington Post, January 31, 2011.
A Little Ahmadinejad Revisionism for You. By Jeffrey Goldberg. The Atlantic, January 13, 2011.
Ahmadinejad as the Jacksonian populist of Iran challenging the out-of-touch clerical elites.